Dropped Disqus, Now IntenseDebate, CommentLuv and Dofollow

I was thinking about to give backlinks to my readers since last 2 months and last night I finally did it, I got rid of Disqus. I felt it wasn’t adding enough additional value to the site. Most of my readers are bloggers and website owners and they all need backlinks to their sites. I know commentluv is a popular feature, commenter’s enjoy so I added it to my comment system.
I also had a few people contact me and tell me that they didn’t leave a comment because of complexity of Disqus. So now they don’t have to. I hope this increases good comments, not spam comments  :)
I also removed a few other items  to help increase the site load times.
As an added benefit for readers that continue to support the site and return visits and comments. I have a Top Commenter’s and Recent Comments widget that is dofollow so you will get backlinks direct from our Home page as well as from other pages
Hope you enjoy the changes and I’m always looking for any feedback you have.
So keep commenting…:)

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