OutBound Links and SEO

Search Engines like Google and Yahoo! have hundreds of factors that they rank a site by and that outbound links is probably one of them – although not one of the ones that they give most weight to (ie it’s not as important as your title tags or the inbound links pointing at your blog). 
 The only guidelines that I can recommend in outbound links from a purely SEO perspective are:

  • not too many links (apparently too many outbound links can be frowned upon by Search Engines)
  • keep them relevant (link to other sites/pages that are on a similar topic to you)
  • use appropriate keywords as anchor text (the words you use as the link can help both you and the site you’re linking to with Search Engines)
  • high ranking sites (some SEOs argue that if you link to highly ranking sites for the keywords that you’re after that it will have more impact).
So above points are my own opinions about the effect of outbound links on SEO.
If you have something important to share in this topic please share it here. Your suggestions are always welcome....:)

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